What About that Tax Reform?

The Hill

Business Insider

The Hill is a generally left leaning news source, but is unique due to its wide stance across the political spectrum. While this might seem like a good thing, most of their articles tend to lack in facts, using bias to back up their claims. In this article, the author believes that Trump’s tax reform will give the country exactly what it needs to revitalize our jobs market. He brings in a lot of statistics, not all of them backed up by facts, and many skewed with bias. He makes few good points, but without context or an explanation of “why,” it’s difficult to take what he says seriously after some thought. He believes this is what Trump needs to do to make America Great again. Also known for a left leaning bias, Business Insider does a better job of sticking to its stance. This source is well known for its extensive use of facts, backing up their articles with accurate information. This news site is German owned, but the website itself is American. Their article is much more cut and dry, covering how various political leaders feel about the tax reform. They show examples of both sides, explaining how both Democrats and Republicans feel about the situation. They discuss the various steps left in the process before the tax reform goes into practice. They use facts appropriately here, not leaving anything to interpretation. Instead of telling you how to feel they present you with information and let you decide for yourself.

But, Who’s Right?


Both articles take a different approach to the same topic. The Hill’s stance is firmly placed in personal beliefs while Business Insider provides many facts. The author for The Hill firmly believes that this tax plan is everything that America needs to succeed. I don’t agree, because it’s not the type of reform that’s much different than past republican tax codes. Business Insider doesn’t present you with an opinion, so asking “who is right?” is a question that has no answer. Insider makes sure to show you the facts, but never tells you how to feel about them. In this case, I wish they showed what they thought as well, it feels more like a breakdown rather than a discussion. To choose the better article, Business Insider does a much better job of being the kind of news source you’d want to go to. The Hill is too much of an opinion piece to be an article, it’s more of a blog post.

One thought on “”

  1. I agree with you. Business insider doesn’t really give you an opinion on the topic of Tax reforms, rather just to inform the public of what is happening with them. I like the way you split up the two articles and gave background on each source.


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